All materials published on this platform were reviewed by high caliber of international and regional academic professors and payers worldwide.
Discover Scientific Knowledge And Stay Connected To The World Of Science And Economics
The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.
Economics shares the combination of qualitative and quantitative elements common to all social sciences.
Economics shares the combination of qualitative and quantitative elements common to all social sciences.
It is the first Arab credible platform includes all the health economic studies conducted in Arab Region to present and demonstrate the values of innovations in our local context and made accessible to all payers and decision makers.
All materials published on this platform were reviewed by high caliber of international and regional academic professors and payers worldwide.
The first Universal Health Insurance Authority (UHIA) drug database is the first step towards value based healthcare, one year of continuous and hard efforts By Dr Ahmed Seyam, Director of HE unit, and his team, validated […]
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We are happy to announce a competition for the best three scientific r...
by admin, 0 Comments
Start launching the cost avoidance studies and collecting real world d...